The Strategic Partnership "EUROPA-MEISTER" is a European project that sees the participation of UNIEP as a consortium partner, together with SBG Dresden, NTI-MMM Multilateral Monitoring and Management, OBRTNO - Podjetniska Zbornica Slovenije, Confederatie Bouw - Afwerking and Landesinnung der Maler und Tapezierer Niederösterreich.
The Austrian HTL Baden, Malerschule Leesdorf is the leading organisation of the project.
The project mainly aims to create a description of the competency profile at level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework and to design a multilingual competency profile in the specific Skillsbank database. The Meister students will attend courses and will be provided with learning materials and e-learning courses. At the end of the lessons, an examination conducted by the Control Committee (consisting of members of different countries appointed by UNIEP) will take place. If students will pass this test, they will gain the European Meisterbrief, recognized by UNIEP, which will prove their professional quality level and will certify his/her competency profile.

Project end date: 31/08/2020
Discover more on the Europa Meister website here!

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