
General Assembly

UNIEP is a democratic organisation. Each member trade association (regardless of size) has an equal vote on all matters concerning the statute, policies and the election of the Board and President.
Each year, UNIEP members meet for its General Assembly at a different location, to discuss topical issues, elect a new President and Board and ensure that UNIEP is transparent and accountable.

The General Assembly is translated into four or five European languages to allow a maximum participation by delegates. The host association provides social events to encourage greater understanding and empathy between the different cultures and countries.

In the last years General Assemblies have focused on VET partnerships and the way to tackle major concerns in the field of painting and coating.
If you want to consult the speeches and PowerPoint presentations of speakers at the last UNIEP General Assembly, please refer to the Library.

Below you will find the agendas of the last UNIEP General Assemblies.