Osha Campaign
EU-OSHA Campaign 2020-22: Healthy Workplaces “Lighten the Load” 
The new EU-OSHA Campaign 2020-22 focuses on tackling work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), improves the lives of workers and makes good business sense.
Millions of workers across Europe suffer from work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). About three in every five workers in the European Union report MSD complaints, based on data from the sixth European Working Conditions Survey.
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are among the most common causes of disability, sick leave and early retirement. As a result, they not only reduce the quality of life of individual workers, but also are also highly detrimental to businesses and economies. Specific EU legislation aims to protect workers from MSDs, but they remain the most common work-related health problem in Europe.
This issue is relevant for the construction sector in which the most common work-related MSDs are backache and pains in the upper limbs.
This campaign’s subject is particularly sensitive for UNIEP and its Painting Contractors. This is why UNIEP has applied to join the campaign. The Official Campaign Partnership’s offer is open to European and international companies and organisations that are ready to join a network of leading public and private organisations, inspiring and encouraging others to successfully manage a safe and healthy workforce. It gives moreover important opportunities to network and exchange good practices with like-minded organisations in the framework the Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Exchange.
More info here: https://healthy-workplaces.eu/en