Painting Skills Network
Painting Skills Network (PSN) (2015-2017) is a Strategic Partnership in the framework of the European funding programme “ERASMUS+”. In this SBG-led project, UNIEP has participated as partner of the consortium.

The project involved 10 partners among national Painting Associations and Vocational Institutes and aimed to develop structure and units of learning outcomes based on the needs of the labour market. The results chiefly consisted in the collection of painting/varnishing learning scenarios for a European network for vocational training in the painting trade.
In the framework of the PSN project, a Student Camp was held in Antwerp in October 2016 and another one took place in April 2017 in Dresden.
The PSN project had a biannual duration and ended in September 2017. Its last meeting was held in Prague on 7th and 8th June 2017, gathering UNIEP members, painting contractors and trainers. A concluding seminar took place on 25th August in Brussels to benchmark the outcomes of the project.
For an overview of the activities and pictures of the Painting Skills Network, see also the project's Facebook page and webpage.