Painting Skills Ranking the Real Competencies

The Leonardo Painting Skills Ranking the Real Competencies Project is an online tool developed by representatives of the national authorities in charge of VET for painters, social partners and teachers at vocational schools for painting. The main purpose of the project is to enhance better transparency and comparability of European basic qualifications in the field of painting in order to improve the employability of painters and their professional mobility across Europe.
The project consists in:

- Classifying national qualifications (initial vocational trainings for painters in the construction sector) with reference to the European qualification framework (EQF)
- Providing for a comparison of both painter profiles of different countries and qualification profiles of 6 countries (Denmark, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain and the UK)
- Recommendations for the attribution of ECVET-credits to qualification modules at various EQF levels
- Online-Tool for painters and painting contractors.