SMEunited is a recognised employers’ organisation and European Social Partner, acting on behalf of crafts and SMEs in the European Social Dialogue. It gathers 65 member organisations from over 30 European countries, national cross-sectoral Craft and SME federations, European SME branch organisations among which UNIEP and represent the interest of 24 million SMEs towards the European Institutions in Europe. SMEunited is operative in various sector activities, granting a direct connection to the specific needs and interests of business branches. These activities are managed by different fora among which the Construction Forum. Its main objectives include the monitoring of the EU policy and legislative process, the keeping members informed on all matters of European Union policy of relevance to crafts and SMEs, the supporting of the members academically, technically, and legally on all areas of EU policy.
SMEunited Committees discuss European SME policy and direct the lobbying work of the secretariat. UNIEP is currently strongly involved in the Social Affairs and Training Committee providing the advice and knowledge of its experts.
SMEUnited is a supporter of DIGI-Paint project