
Trained Worldwide Painters

The TWwP project was created to design a training system based on the qualification of painters/decorators suitable for retraining adults and the migrant population. Emphasis will be placed on the certification of learning outcomes through micro-credentials. To promote the integration of a migrant population in a professional painting environment in a foreign country and to create a social bond between employees of the same facility, the TWwP project will enable them to acquire a professional vocabulary in the language of their host country.

The project will also provide tools to assess the migrants’ knowledge of painting after a training session by asking them to respond to different instances of using painting using a professional vocabulary in the language of the country in which they will be working.

The target groups of this project are not only adults/migrants but also teachers and trainers. Indeed, TWwP will provide them with digital tools to update and modernise the way they teach.

Website: https://paintmeapp.eu/


The partnership, coordinated by UNIEP, is composed by 7 partners from 7 different countries (ES, GR, BE, FR, IT, PT, LU).

Project: Belonging to the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union,  of the Key Action 2 of the Cooperation partnerships in Vocational Education and Training.

Identification of the project: 2023-1-LUO1-KA220 -VET – 000154098



“ Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Anefore. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”