UpSkilled New Painters

UpSkilled New Painters is an Erasmus+ project financed by the EU under the Key Action 2 projects for Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training.
The project started in November 2019 and it will last 2 years until October 2021.
UPSPaint project has born from the main challenges of the Painting/Decorating sector that UNIEP has identified in the lack of young people entering the profession, of quality in education/training and of knowledge of market innovation by contractors and training institutes. The necessity is therefore to improve image of the sector for young people but at the same time also for adults. The main needs the project is trying to face can be sum up in few principal aspects:
- Need to update skills and competences taking into consideration new techniques, environmentally friendly and safe products
- Necessity in the requalification of adults
- Validation of formal and informal learning giving value to the life experiences and what people have learnt
UPSPaint project’s objective is the recognition of prior learning of adults, migrants and refugees coming from all sector, to give to the painting trade the people with the right competences to fulfil the labour market needs. The goal is to develop a structured validation system, including methodology, processes, tools, guidelines to trainers to be tested with professionals working in the field.
The partnership, coordinated by UNIEP, is composed by complementary partners between Painting Contractors associations, VET institutes and companies from 6 different EU countries (Luxembourg, Belgium, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal and Sweden).

Co-financed with a European grant under the Erasmus + 2014-2020 programme
Convention N°2019-1-LU01-KA202-050102
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