Youth Power Europe (Color Made Inclusive)
The project “Color Made Inclusive” has started!

UNIEP is a partner in the project, which is led by the Swedish association Måleriföretagen.
The opening conference has taken place in Barcelona, Spain, on 15th-16th March 2018. 
The planning of smaller projects in some of the partners cities has already started, like in Riga and Barcelona. Prestudies are currently going on in these cities, aiming to make the city more colourful and put youths into work.

The name ”Color made inclusive” is the official name for the Erasmus+ project, but the project is rather communicated as Youth Power Europe.

It all started in Gothenburg with the labour and integration project Let's colour Gothenburg and the same work method will be used in Youth power Europe.
The project aims to create work opportunities for unemployed youths from less fortunate areas of the city. At the same time as taking part in Work-Based Learning (WBL) and training, these youths will develop and restore parts of the city that needs particular attention.
Inclusion and integration is a stronghold within the project. The neighbourhoods we focus on often have a high percentage of immigrants. Youths from these areas often need a practical task to find the inspiration for training and learning. The crafts and measures we focus on are building restoration, color schemes and mural paintings, through work-based learning.
Through this project, the painting business will take part in developing this potential.
Sweden: The West Swedish Painting Contractors Association, The Labor Market Administration of Helsingborg, The Business Unit of Malmö City, Fryshuset, Rusch Paintings, KP Paintings
Spain: The Swedish Chambers of Commerce in Spain, Lead to change
Poland: The University of Gdansk
Latvia: The University of Latvia, Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
Ukraine: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Embassy of Sweden in Kyiv
Hungary: Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary
Partners working across Europe: UNIEP, representing the European Painting industry of the Construction sector

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